APhO 2022

Welcome message

India is honored to be the host of the 22nd Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO – 2022) to be held in Dehradun, from May 23 to 31, 2022. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, It’s our my great pleasure to invite  teams from all countries in Asia and Oceania regions to take part in APhO-2022. It is being organized by Indian Association of Physics Teachers with a nodal centre at Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun with the support of Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education,Government of India through Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education(HBCSE) .

In the last 2 years we have all gone through difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the organization of the Asian Physics Olympiad has had a major impact. APhO 2020 has been shifted to 2021 and was held online. There are no simple challenges to hosting online competitions across countries and time zones. I am grateful for India’s willingness to host APhO during this pandemic, I believe India can host a great APhO. I hope the event will run smoothly and successfully.     


                               Message from President, Asian Physics Olympiad

Originally, this year we are hoping to have the Asia Physics Olympiad face-to-face.  Yet, the pandemic situation has never subsided, and in fact, the cases have risen in some countries. This worldwide situation has made it impossible for the organizers to revert to our usual platform.  It is a pity but I share the sentiments of the organizer and many participating organizations that unless the situation is completely controlled, it is too risky to expose our youths to unnecessary infection. 

The Asian Physics Olympiad has now a fairly long history (over twenty years now).  Twenty years is sufficient for a baby to become an adult. Through these twenty years, we have forged camaraderie among the leaders and promote good Science and friendship among students. The organizers this year have put in a lot of effort to prepare for the Olympiad and I hope that you will all enjoy the competition. Yes, it is true that an online competition is not as good as a face-to-face competition in terms of networking and cultural exchange. But nevertheless, we do not expect a drop in the quality of the rigor and creativity in the questions. I hope that all students who participate in this competition will enjoy the questions and participate actively in all the online activities.   

This year, 2022, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The IUPAP was formed in 1922 by a group of distinguished scientists in Europe led by William Henry Bragg, who received a Nobel prize in Physics for his achievement in X-ray crystallography.  As the former Deputy Secretary General of IUPAP, I hope that everybody will help promote physics in their country, especially this year.  For more information, see: Centennial – IUPAP:The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

Last but not least, let me wish everybody good health and the best of luck in the competition. 


President, Asian Physics Olympiad.  

                  Message from the President IAPT – Prof. P.K.Ahluwalia 


On behalf of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), I extend warm greetings to the participating teams to Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) 2022 and teachers associated with it. It is a matter of great satisfaction that despite pandemic APhO has kept its flag high and innovated on the process of holding it creditably. I am happy that India is hosting APhO for the second time. 
The APhO Secretariat had requested India to host the APhO in 2022. This was ratified by the NSC. Due to the pandemic, the competition has to be organized online with the focal point at Graphic Era University. 25 countries with a total of 200 students are expected to participate in this competition to be held from 23/5/2022 to 31/5/2022. 
In 2005, the National Steering Committee (NSC) authorised the IAPT to train and organise an Indian Team for participation at the APhO.  This responsibility the IAPT, has been successfully shouldering over the years. This being the centenary year of Dr. D. P. Khandelwal, founder member of IAPT, this year’s APhO is dedicated to him. 
Every year physics students and teachers look forward to this international event to test their knowledge of Physics in a healthy competitive spirit to become part of the physics community network across Asian countries. This not only makes them work hard, it also adds to international understanding and good will to raise the quality of learning and teaching of physics. 
I wish the participating students and their teams best of luck and a grand success, for which you have worked so hard. 

Message from the President’s desk, Graphic Era Group of Institutions


Our mission at Graphic Era is to create and foster a learning environment for students where they could unfold their potential and closely interact with the practitioners from the corporate world to transform their Dreams into Reality. 

Today as I look back at the journey of Graphic Era, in the last 29 years from Graphic Era Institute of Technology to a brand having two Universities and four campuses, it has indeed been a humbling experience. 

Graphic Era has progressed and kept abreast of the rapid changes taking place in the field of academics, pedagogical spheres and growing demand of industry for highly skilled manpower. As higher education is rapidly evolving, Graphic Era is at the cutting edge of the movement. We are competing boldly and taking new paths—yet staying grounded to our mission of delivering quality education, building teaching excellence, introducing innovative study programs, customizing and updating our course content to match the industry requirements and setting records in placement, research and consultancy. 

Creative and inventive culture, nurtured by our faculty, students and staff, is transforming how we train our students and help them strengthen their future prospects. In developing brand Graphic Era, we have partnered with leaders in the corporate sector and research organizations of the country and international universities, for training and placements of our students. We’re leveraging these creative partnerships to stretch our boundaries of excellence in collaboration, quality essay writing service, innovation and creation of skills, across numerous disciplinary fronts. With recognition from prestigious institutions, Graphic Era University is setting new benchmarks in the sphere of quality education. 

The Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) is currently the premier Physics competition amongst pre-university students from Asia and Australasia. The purpose is to foster closer international collaboration between Asian countries in Physics Education in high schools and conduct assessments to identify promising Physicists. During the competition, participants also get an opportunity to experience cultural exchange activities to increase mutual respect and gain an understanding of different cultures.  

It is indeed a pleasure for Graphic Era to be associated, as a focal center, for organizing APhO-2022.  We are very enthusiastic and looking forward to meet the budding Physicists from the different participating countries and wish them the very best for this event.  We strongly believe the networks and friendships built during the event will go across boundaries to strengthen relationships between the participating countries.

Congratulations and best wishes to all the stakeholders!


                    Message from the Vice Chancellor’s desk


From a modest beginning in 1993, the Graphic Era group of Institutions have indeed come a long way to be known and admired as a leading contributor in the education space in India. Graphic Era today has two Universities and 4 campuses across the state of Uttarakhand. 

The mission of Graphic Era is to promote learning in the true-spirit. The universities offer the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as professionals, and the values and sensitivity needed to become responsible citizens of the world. Graphic Era distinguishes itself as a diverse, socially responsible learning community of high scholastic quality and academic rigor.

The Universities under Brand Graphic Era have adopted a global approach to education and research with focus on International perspectives and expertise and are known for their innovative and rigorous education which has nurtured professionals across industries and sectors in India and beyond. Graphic Era has an abiding commitment to excellence and pursues this relentlessly settling for nothing, but the best.

It is a privilege for the Graphic Era to be selected to host the 22nd edition of the prestigious APhO. Like all areas related to science and technology, there has been a growing interest and significance in the area of Physics. The APhO is a wonderful initiative to promote learning, sharing and development in the area of physics amongst the students of the participating countries. The fact that the event is being conducted for the second time in India has added to the excitement of our preparation and readiness.

It is very heartening to know that The Asian Physics Olympiad not only has the purpose to assist in the preparation of Asian students towards the IPhO but also to build a network among the leaders for further collaborative projects in physics education, such as creating physics competitions in their own countries, and to encourage Asian countries to participate in other international physics competitions.   

We at Graphic Era would like to eagerly welcome participants from all the participating countries and wish the very best for this event to be a great success.

Congratulations and Best Wishes



APhO has its origins in the International Physics Olympiad and is conducted according to similar statutes (One five-hour theory examination and one or two laboratory examinations). It is usually held about two months ……..

All About APhO


APhO stands for the Asian Physics Olympiad. It is a physics competition for pre-university students from Asian countries. It is modeled after the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), and demands a similar level of intellectual capability from the participants. The only difference between APhO and IPhO is that a national team for APhO is composed of eight students at the most, instead of five for IPhO. The contestants are expected to be selected from general or technical secondary schools of the respective participating countries. The age of the competitors should not exceed twenty on June 30th of the year of the competition.

The APhO has its origins in the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), an annual event first started in Warsaw in 1967 as a premier physics competition for pre-university students from around the world. In 1999, the team leader of Indonesia, Dr. Yohanes Surya, together with the late President of IPhO, Prof. Waldemar Gorzkowski, undertook to create and organize the first Asian Physics Olympiad in April 2000 in Indonesia. This event attracted participation from 12 Asian countries. Its successful implementation has been followed by the previous host countries, Taiwan (2001), Singapore (2002), Thailand (2003), Vietnam (2004), Indonesia (2005, second time), Kazakhstan (2006), China (2007), Mongolia (2008), Thailand (2009, second time), Taiwan (2010, second time), Israel (2011), India (2012), Indonesia (2013, third time), Singapore (2014, second time), China(2015, secondtime), Hong Kong(2016), Russia(2017)Vietnam(2018), Australia(2019) and Taiwan(2021). The Asian Physics Olympiad has several purposes: to assist in the preparation of Asian students towards the IPhO; to build a network among the leaders for further collaborative projects in physics education, such as creating physics competitions in their own countries, and to encourage Asian countries to participate in other international physics competitions.

An Overview of Participation of Countries in Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO)

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