The calculator models listed in the “Allowed” category below will be permitted to be used for APhO examinations, and those in the “Disallowed” category will NOT be permitted.
Allowed Calculators | Disallowed Calculators (partial list) |
Casio fx-82 MS/solar/SX Plus/ES Plus | Casio fx- 95 MS |
Casio fx-220 plus | Casio fx-570 MS |
Casio fx-350 MS | Casio fx-82DE Plus |
Canon f-502 G | Casio fx-82AU Plus |
Canon f- 715 S/SG | Casio fx-83GT Plus |
Canon F-720i | Casio fx-96SG Plus |
HP 10s+ | Casio fx-350ES Plus |
Orpat fx-82MS | Casio fx-570ES |
Orpat fx-100D | Casio fx-991DE Plus |
Orpat fx-350 TL | Casio fx-991ES/fx-991MS |
Sharp EL- 501 X | Casio fx-991ES Plus |
Sharp EL-509 X/W | Casio fx-991 ID Plus |
Sharp EL- 510 RN | Sharp EL-W506X |
Sharp EL-531 XH/XG/WH | Sharp EL-503 W |
TI- 30X IIS/IIB | Sharp EL- 506 X/W |
TI- 30 eco RS/Xa | Sharp EL-520 X/W |
TI -36X II | TI-30XS Multiview |
Calculator models NOT included in either of these lists will be permitted to be used for APhO examinations only if they satisfy the following criteria:
- Calculators should not have a graphing mode.
- Their display must not have more than three rows for any function, like matrix mode.
- Calculators should not contain equation solver or integration function.
- Should not have stored physical constants (e.g. gravitational constant) in their inbuilt memory.
Such calculators must be presented for verification to the centre coordinator half an hour prior to the examination on the day of examination and the decision of the Centre Coordinator to allow/disallow a particular calculator will be final and binding.